Notes from a Teacher's Heart...

3rd Grade....
I know what you're thinking...snot-nosed, little rug rats, perhaps? Well if this is what comes to mind when I say this...YOU...ARE...RIGHT. Ok, I'm sort of kidding..sort of. Just so you know, I am in the process of my first FULL TIME student teaching placement, and it is everything short of being easy. This is by far the most challenging semester I have had so far in my 3 years at university. It is harder than any seminar class, any 20 page research paper assignments, shoot, it's even harder than those dreaded 7 AM classes. It's like I've just become a parent of 20 kids, who are all the same age, and need my full-blown, undivided attention for 8 hours 5 days a week. It isn't any wonder that in a recent study, teaching was ranked one the most high-stress jobs out there...right behind being an air-traffic controller. Wow....maybe I picked the wrong profession. Just kidding...I'm a Calvinist...remember silly?
So why do I continue on? Because of days like today. Days like today make all the frustrations of being a teacher worth it.
What happened today, you ask? Well, let's just say, I made a little boy cry. Now, before you get all bent out of shape...don't worry, I didn't rip up his homework--or something. I simply told Joey VERY FIRMLY to have a seat because he was disturbing his classmates. Well this poor lad couldn't handle such a command, and broke down. Tears were streaming down his face....(was my lesson on contractions THAT good? ;)~ ) Before recess, I told him we needed to talk.
Our little talk made my day. He cried to me, and told me he felt like I hated him! I rubbed his little back and told him that, on the contrary, I indeed loved him, and scolded him BECAUSE I loved him and cared so much for him. He didn't quite get it, but his tears quickly dried up after I explained to him just how important his learning was to me--which is why I moved him.
This talk got me thinking about discipline. I remember being in Joey's shoes, and still find myself there today at times. Why is it, when we are scolded or discplined does it feel like someone "hates" us? After all, to hate someone would be to let them go on in their distructive way, wouldn't it? Isn't one of the most loving things you can do for someone pulling them out of that bad path? I laugh when I think of Joey's comment, because my scolding was the exact opposite of what he thought. I did it because I care for him so much.
It's no wonder that the source of infinite wisdom...the Word of God (Jesus Christ) explains that the Lord himself disciplines those He loves. Hmmm...Proverbs also mentions that if you spare the rod from your children, you HATE them. How fallen man is so quick to distort true love and care. The Lord disciplines those He loves...and I guess the same could be said for teachers :)
Hey Kelsey, this is Glenn from Faith Defenders. I just found your blog. You should check mine out too, I just started one on blogger!
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