God's Passion for God's Glory...

I awoke this morning, 7:30am sharp, to the absolute glory of God. Little did I know that lastnight, in the Hilton hotel room I occupied for brief sleeping hours (upon a late arrival into the Twin Cities), that Almighty God of all creation (and probably everyone else on floor 6) heard the cries of a young women-namely, myself- DESPERATE to be saturated for a passion for the glory of God. I had written days before about this night, in my prayer journal. My first night home. I wanted to be like a tree planted by streams of fresh water, that would bear much fruit, so that my spiritually starving family could pick the fruit (planted and harvested by God) and be strengthened! This was the prayer of my heart...however, Saturday night came, and I felt lazy in my soul, and utterly desolate within, searching and pleading for joy in the glory of GOD!
I became so frusterated with myself. Afterall, I thought, THINK about Who I am pleading with!?! THE SOVEREIGN CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE..the TRIUNE GOD WHO RULES AND REIGNS! After this thought, I knew how desperately the eyes of my heart needed to be re-opened. I am coming to learn that this is a daily thing. (WAKE UP EYES OF MY HEART!!!)
I stayed up until the wee hours of the night, pleading with my God. Begging Him to saturate my soul with the passion that has become supreme in my life (by the willing and doing of the LORD), namely the supremacy of the glory of God in all things...I pleaded for the eyes of my heart to be opened. I didn't want to give into passivity with this. Why not fight like heaven for the supremacy of the glory of God in my own troubled heart?! Why would I fight and work so hard for good grades, health, safety on the roads, and all the other things, BUT NOT FIGHT FOR THE ONE REALITY THAT HOLDS ALL THOSE OTHER THINGS TOGETHER BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER, namely JESUS CHRIST?!?! ISN'T HE WORTH FIGHTING FOR?! Isn't His absolute supremacy in my own heart worth staying up all night and pleading for?!?! By the grace of God, He showed me that it was. I spent hours lastnight, earnestly pleading for what a God-entraced vision of all things, experienced so profoundly by Edwards and many other saints.
Anyway, I woke up this morning, and let me tell you...THE SKY screamed of the glory of God. I couldn't help but rejoice in overwhelming ecstasy at the thought of the God of the universe not only hearing my heart cry, not only allowing the sun to rise another day over yet another wicked city, but mainly, over God's own passion for His own glory made manifest through His word, and how He increased the passion within my own heart for His glory by opening the eyes of my heart. To Him be glory forevermore...AMEN.
SO... you're in town? Cool! Make sure to visit the church. :)
And praise be to God for his working in your heart and that he has let the Sun come up one more day over a wicked city!
I forgot to say that Piper will be closing up his Romans series on Christmas Eve. Which'll be good because I think he's going to try to tie in everything that he has talked about in Romans for the last 8 yrs and how it gives GREAT glory to God.
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