As this semester draws to a close, I can't help but think of one word: suffering.
In comparisson to the suffering going on in much of the world, I almost blush at the thought of saying this semester has been one of "suffering," but can definately say, God has allowed me to experience a slight taste, to which I am utterly grateful. Through this, the sufficient grace of our LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ has been greatly manifested to me, and has caused me to rejoice and be glad in it! As stated in Habakkuk 3:17-19 (NASB)
Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be no cattle in the stalls,
Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
I pondered these verses as I stared out my window last Friday night. Rain was pouring down, and I felt locked in--not that I had anywhere to go anyway. I felt as if the LORD God had locked me inside, and allowed me to experience lonliness, homesickness, suffering, but it became way more than just an earthly lonliness for fellowship, or family. I knew the suffering in my heart was the cause of one individual, myself. I had tried so hard to suppress this heartache, by filling myself with the good gifts from Christ...you know, sort of finding comfort and satisfaction in His gifts. OH, how decieved I have been, the LORD showed me. For, I began to try and comfort my afflications and suffering with the good gifts from the HIM, and thereby, came enjoy the gifts more than the Giver. It isn't any surprise that the gifts started to disappear, one by one, throughout the semester. These verses in Habakkuk became my anthem as each good gift vanished. He showed me, that rainy Friday night, that my suffering was a result of treasuring the gifts more than the Giver. With everything in me, my soul crys, "O LORD! MAY IT NEVER BE, AGAIN." But then I reminded of the refining of gold, and the processes it must go through to be refined. Would it ever go through such harsh fires for purification sake, if there wasn't stubble left within it?
O, glory be to my Elohim, because of the unquenchable ache for Christ, and realization of His sovereignty over EVERY kind of suffering...for this He showed me throughout this semester. I looked out the window once more, watched as the rain poured down, and felt comforted. For my God had locked me in that night, gave me answers, and best of all, comforted me with Himself.